Sunday, 21 October 2012


Dear : Andrew Harrison

          During the past four months of being in the army,  I had to participate in one of the most important battles. It was near the town of Passchendale and no one has been able to take that land point from the Germans, but we succeeded. After three years of failed attempts from their countries,Canadian forces were able to take it over. Not even England was able to take over that point. Although our general, general Currie said that it was impossible to take over that position, we were ordered to attack anyways and we manged to take it over and holds it until reinforcements came. The journey getting to their throng hold was tough, it was constantly raining and there was mud everywhere. Trekking through the mud was extremely difficult and by chance I was not shot in the process of all of it. I left that battle with only a few bruises and scratches, but mentally, I've seen some things that I wish I had not saw. A lot of fellow soldiers died in the process. There is only about a fifth of us left and I will not see many of the same faces again. All of this was done to gain only seven kilometers of distance. I am not sure if it was worth it because a lot of soldiers died in the process, however it is already done and nothing can be done to reverse time. I just hope that these brakemen did not die for nothing and that they all rest in peace. I will keep you updated on new and important events.

Love : Gordon Harrison

Here's one of my fellow soldiers being carried back on a stretcher. May he rest in peace.

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