Saturday, 20 October 2012

Prisoner of War

Dear : Andrew Harrison

         The past few months of my life have been a living hell. For the past months, I have been living in some sort of prisoner camp in Germany. I was captured in one of the battles and I woke up surrounded by dozens of other men. Confused, I looked around and saw nothing but misery. The people who were already working there had an expression on their face that words cannot describe. Everyone looked so weak from all the conditions that they were put through. I got to experience all of this. We were served three meals a day, however, the quality was horrendous. Many times, soldiers got sick from the food rather than getting nourishment. The main food that we got daily was soup which consisted of oats, beans, prunes and codfish. There were other ingredients in the mixture, but I have not a clue on what they are. Everyone was cramped into houses and were forced into a small space to sleep. There was no circulation in the room and there was always someone who was under the gun. Throughout the night, everyone could hear deathly coughs and constant sniffles. When we awoke from that mess, we went to work, but our work was not related to warfare. For the few months that I was captured, I worked in a farm everyday for ten hours. Luckily, Canadian forces were able to free a few of us in a battle, but not everyone made it out alive. I am so content that I am able to write you this letter.

Love : Gordon Harrison

An overview of the German prisoner camp

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