Sunday, 21 October 2012

Medical Treatment

Dear: Andrew Harrison

            The effects of war come in all shapes, sizes and forms. I am currently recovering from the bullet wound in the hospital and everyone here does not have just a physical injury. A lot of patients here are for some sort of mental injury. The doctors are calling it 'Shell Shock'. The most common effects of 'Shell Shock' are hysteria, blindness, deafness and limping. The doctor's way of treating this is disciplining the soldiers. Electrical therapy seems to be popular among that too. I over heard one of the nurses talking and saying that shell shock occurs because of a lack of discipline.There are just so many sick and injured people here; way more than I could ever imagine and I am just in one hospital. There are dozens upon dozens of them and they are all full. Looking at some people's injuries, I cannot imagine what they went through. Some are burned, shot or they are missing body parts. This room feels like death. No hope and just misery. I am so blessed that I am one of the few people that have an injury that is not too bad. All I can do is prayer for those who cannot.

Love : Gordon Harrison

These are the doctors and nurses who will treat me.

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